I didn’t pay much attention to Heather Mills in the past, and my opinion of her was positive and based on the fact that she’s an animal activist and an amputee who just seems to shrug off her disability. Now that she’s getting a divorce from Paul McCartney, all these stories of her opportunism have come out. Of course Mills and McCartney have denied that she married him for his money, and maybe that’s true. That doesn’t mean you have to like her, though.
The PopBitch newsletter posted this link to the official “Facts” on Heather’s website, and she sounds so reactionary and full of herself that I can’t help but come away with a negative opinion of her. Maybe she just has a terribly aggressive publicist, but why would she justify personal attacks with such vehement denials? Here’s just one of the Fact vs. Fiction reports on her website, which are highlighted on the page in ugly red and green:
FACT: “Contrary to spiteful reports in the British press, Heather’s interview with Paul Newman on CNN’s “Larry King Live” was very well received, particularly by Paul Newman himself. His publicist of over 40 yrs, Warren Cowan wrote the following day: “Wonderful Job! I cannot tell you how many people have raved to me about your interview with Paul (Newman). He was delighted with it. So was I. The fact that the hour flew by so quickly is a testament to your interviewing skills. Take a bow, Heather, A Deep One”….
Wendy Whitworth (Executive Vice President of CNN & Senior Executive Producer of Larry King Live): “Heather came to the desk prepared for the spotlight. She was meticulous in her research and thorough in her presentation. Once again, Heather demonstrated her abilities with her well-known poise and intelligence”
Larry King: “Heather was a smart, charming and gracious guest host. She was very well prepared. I had no doubt! I would love for her to be my resident host ”
Paul Newman: “She seduces you into feeling stylishly confident.””
It goes on to rebut many other “fictions” about Mills in a similar snotty, over-the-top tone. Even if Mills isn’t writing that crap herself, she would surely have to approve it. WTF?
McCartney’s children, including fashion designer Stella McCartney, are said to dislike Mills and go out of their way to avoid her.
An editorial in Britian’s Telegraph lays out the case for disliking Mills:
According to his friends, it was her criticism and nagging that pushed [McCartney] over the edge – a paradoxical accusation for a woman who, in her new self-help book, Life Balance, to be published next week, gives us her tips for “spiritual, physical and emotional” happiness.Although it is hardly unusual for children to be enthusiastic about a stepmother, the silence from Paul McCartney’s three children from his first marriage has been deafening. Fashion designer Stella, in particular, has done little to hide her disapproval of Heather. At the Live8 concert last year, she very publicly moved away from Heather, not wanting to talk to her father in his wife’s presence and also ensuring there were no happy-family photo opportunities.
Few, it seems, have a good word to say for her. Geoff Baker, Paul McCartney’s long-standing press officer, was dismissed last year, reportedly at Heather’s instigation after falling out with her. At the time, Baker would say nothing on the subject, but his next move spoke volumes. He took a job as an editor of a golfing magazine and chose for the cover of his first issue a nude Heather McCartney lookalike with a golf ball resting on her cleavage.
Unfortunately Heather Mills is said to now require a wheelchair to get around as she recovers from an amputation surgery and copes with the stress from the dissolution of her marriage. That’s too bad, but it doesn’t mean she deserves our pity or our admiration.
She is due to put out a book next month, called “Life Balance,” in which she refutes claims that she married McCartney for his wealth.
In her upcoming book she says that being called a golddigger was “worse than losing my leg.” She has also cancelled a launch party for the book. Given the circumstances that’s probably a good idea.
Friends say that the couple broke up after four years partly because Heather hated the adoration McCartney received, and refused to join him on tour. She was also said to have criticized McCartney’s style, and to have attempted to makeover his image.
If she’s such a great person she wouldn’t work so hard to tell everyone about it.