This Is Why Howard Stern Got Divorced

What went down with Howard Stern and Alison Berns' marriage? As Stern became an even bigger star, fame, and his "unique" career, caused too much strain on the pair. "Divorce was so theoretical to me because no one in my family had really been divorced," Stern confessed to Rolling Stone in 2011. "I was with

What went down with Howard Stern and Alison Berns' marriage? As Stern became an even bigger star, fame, and his "unique" career, caused too much strain on the pair. "Divorce was so theoretical to me because no one in my family had really been divorced," Stern confessed to Rolling Stone in 2011. "I was with my ex-wife since college, so it felt like such a failure...I was upset that I failed and let down my family, my kids, my ex-wife. It was all very painful." He added, "I think there were a lot of stressors, especially with what I did for a living." This is not a shock, given Stern's penchant for interviewing porn stars and doing pretty insane on-stage stunts like "Fart Man" at the VMAs. 

Stern told the outlet that going to therapy helped ease the pain. "I was totally neurotic and sort of consumed with work. I took work as the most important thing and the only thing," he said, explaining that he felt like a "detached robot" before therapy. "I said, 'Gee, where am I going to get some answers?' I had never been a guy to turn to religion but then as my marriage was coming to an end, I needed help to explain it to my children and make sense of it all..."

