8 players who dated NBA stars' former partners feat. Kelly Oubre Jr who tied the knot with James Har

The NBA has seen its fair share of drama between players on and off the hardwood. And it's not just over their rivalry on the court, but also over things not remotely related to the sport. When it comes to these superstars and their women, there have been multiple instances where players have dated and

The NBA has seen its fair share of drama between players on and off the hardwood. And it's not just over their rivalry on the court, but also over things not remotely related to the sport. When it comes to these superstars and their women, there have been multiple instances where players have dated and married former partners of other players in the league.

Be it Dwyane Wade's wife Gabrielle Union who dated Dallas Mavericks star Jason Kidd during their time in high school, or Kelly Oubre Jr. who went on to marry Shylynn Oubre who reportedly dated James Harden, there have been several instances. Here are some of those narratives where players have beefed over partners and exes and some going on to carve a future out with former partners of superstars.

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8 players who dated NBA stars' former partners

#8 Lamar Odom, Tristan Thompson and Khloe Kardashian

Lamar Odom generated headlines when he married Khloe Kardashian in 2009 after a month of dating. After months of their rumored separation, she filed for divorce from the Los Angeles Lakers superstar in 2013 and the divorce was finalized in 2016.

Soon after, she was in a relationship with Tristan Thompson, which comes with its own dose of gossip and drama as they have been in an on-off relationship since.

#7 James Harden and Khloe Kardashian

Khloe was also reported to have dated Philadelphia 76ers star James Harden. The two started dating in 2015 but parted ways eight months later. Their relationship began when they first met at a basketball-themed birthday party for Kanye West at Staples Center.

At the time of the breakup, Harden, who was still with the Houston Rockets, said “unnecessary” pressure from too much attention was the reason they had to separate.

#6 Steve Nash, Alejandra Amarilla and Jason Richardson

The NBA has also seen some murky affairs come to light and one of them was the infamous controversy that saw Steve Nash's ex-wife Alejandra Amarilla linked with former NBA star Jason Richardson. The latter was rumored to have had a child with Amarilla, sparking an unwarranted spotlight on all three parties.

Nash met Amarilla in New York City in 2001. At the time, he plied his trade for the Dallas Mavericks and had a breakout season. The couple welcomed two children in October 2004 and tied the knot in 2005. However, their marriage fell apart soon after.

#5 Brandon Jennings, Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert

NBA star Brandon Jennings and Teyana Taylor were involved in a messy split after the former allegedly cheated on her with her best friend.

Soon after, Taylor married Iman Shumpert in 2016 and shared two children together. The duo separated last month with the star stating "infidelity was not the reason" behind their move apart.

#4 Scottie Pippen, Larsa Pippen and Malik Beasley

Scottie Pippen and Larsa Pippen were married for over two decades before calling it quits on their marriage.

Since then, the 'Real Housewives' star has been linked to Tristan Thompson and Malik Beasley, before all the focus turned to her confirmed relationship with Marcus Jordan, son of Pippen's former teammate and Bulls legend Michael Jordan. Beasley and Larsa dated for four months before their split.

#3 Kendall Jenner, Ben Simmons, Devin Booker, Blake Griffin and Jordan Clarkson

Kendall Jenner has been a known name in NBA circles, with some prominent names dating her. Ben Simmons, Devin Booker, Blake Griffin and Jordan Clarkson were some of the players linked to the star, as was Washington Wizards Kyle Kuzma, only for Entertainment Tonight to quash the rumor that they were not a couple.

Simmons' relationship with Jenner began in 2018 and the two went public about their chemistry that was a headliner till May 2019. They were reportedly not pictured together until January 2020.

#2 Jason Kidd, Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle Union dated former Dallas Mavericks star Jason Kidd during their high school time and the two broke up just before their junior prom. While that left Union stung and hurt, she later found love again in the form of NBA Hall of Famer Dwyane Wade.

Wade and Union have been married since 2014. The two wedded in an intimate wedding in Miami in the presence of their family and friends.

#1 Kelly Oubre Jr., Shylynn and James Harden

James Harden was reportedly dating Shylynn, which left him feuding with his now-teammate Kelly Oubre Jr.

While the details of her split with the former MVP are unclear, it was rumored that he thought of her as “the one” and wanted to have a future. She started seeing Oubre Jr. soon after. Now it remains to be seen how the two deal with their beef given they will be sharing the locker room together.

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